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Warning & Regulatory Signage

  • Warning and Regulatory signs are used to help manage traffic and pedestrians in public areas, particularly roads. 
  • They are most commonly made from metal or aluminium in a variety of sizes as specified by the Australian standards. 
  • In most instances, they are Class 1 reflective.


  • Railway Crossing

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $406.12 - Original price $406.12
    Original price
    $406.12 - $406.12
    $406.12 - $406.12
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Clearly mark railway crossings with our R6-24 Railway Crossing sign. Made from durable material for long-lasting use. Features the standard R6-2...

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  • Trucks Must Use Left Lane

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $295.13 - Original price $940.72
    Original price
    $295.13 - $940.72
    $295.13 - $940.72
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    This sign indicates that trucks are required to use the left lane of the road. It helps regulate traffic flow and ensures that trucks stay in the ...

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  • Keep Left Unless Overtaking

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $241.78 - Original price $241.78
    Original price
    $241.78 - $241.78
    $241.78 - $241.78
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    This sign reminds drivers to stay in the left lane unless they are overtaking slower-moving vehicles. It helps promote safe and efficient traffic ...

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  • End Keep Left Unless Overtaking

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $241.78 - Original price $241.78
    Original price
    $241.78 - $241.78
    $241.78 - $241.78
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    This sign indicates the conclusion of the requirement to keep left unless overtaking on the road. It alerts drivers that they are no longer obliga...

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  • Median Turning Lane (Arrows)

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $188.32 - Original price $518.98
    Original price
    $188.32 - $518.98
    $188.32 - $518.98
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    These signs indicate the direction of the turning lane within a median. They guide drivers on where to position their vehicles when using the medi...

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  • Give Way To Buses (Vehicle Mounted Sign)

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $25.96 - Original price $53.68
    Original price
    $25.96 - $53.68
    $25.96 - $53.68
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    This sign alerts drivers to give priority to buses when entering or merging into traffic. It ensures the smooth flow of buses, especially at inter...

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  • Bicycle Lane (Symbolic)

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $71.39 - Original price $122.98
    Original price
    $71.39 - $122.98
    $71.39 - $122.98
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    This sign indicates the presence of a designated lane for bicycles. It helps improve safety for cyclists by providing a dedicated space for them t...

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  • End

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $17.49 - Original price $33.88
    Original price
    $17.49 - $33.88
    $17.49 - $33.88
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    This sign indicates the end of a specific condition or restriction that was previously in effect. It notifies drivers that they are no longer subj...

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  • Overhead Arrow (Symbolic)

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $40.92 - Original price $64.68
    Original price
    $40.92 - $64.68
    $40.92 - $64.68
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    This sign features an arrow pointing upwards, indicating that the direction indicated is overhead. Often used in conjunction with other signs to i...

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  • Ahead

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $27.83 - Original price $33.88
    Original price
    $27.83 - $33.88
    $27.83 - $33.88
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Indicates that the depicted direction is straight ahead. Useful for guiding drivers and pedestrians on roads, especially at intersections or junct...

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  • Left Lane

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $40.92 - Original price $64.68
    Original price
    $40.92 - $64.68
    $40.92 - $64.68
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    This signage marks the left lane on the road. Helps drivers stay in the correct lane and maintain traffic flow. Especially useful in multi-lane ro...

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  • Right Lane

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $40.92 - Original price $64.68
    Original price
    $40.92 - $64.68
    $40.92 - $64.68
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    This signage marks the right lane on the road. Helps drivers stay in the correct lane and maintain traffic flow. Especially useful in multi-lane r...

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  • Bicycle Path (Symbolic)

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $33.88 - Original price $114.95
    Original price
    $33.88 - $114.95
    $33.88 - $114.95
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Indicates a pathway specifically designated for bicycle use. Helps cyclists identify dedicated routes for safe and efficient travel. Alerts pedest...

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  • Shared Path (Symbolic)

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $33.88 - Original price $114.95
    Original price
    $33.88 - $114.95
    $33.88 - $114.95
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Indicates a pathway designated for shared use by pedestrians and cyclists. Helps promote safety by alerting both pedestrians and cyclists to the s...

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  • Separated Pathway (Pedestrian Left)

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $27.83 - Original price $89.32
    Original price
    $27.83 - $89.32
    $27.83 - $89.32
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Indicates a designated pathway specifically for pedestrians on the left side of the road. Helps segregate pedestrian traffic from vehicular traffi...

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  • Separated Pathway (Pedestrian Right)

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $27.83 - Original price $89.32
    Original price
    $27.83 - $89.32
    $27.83 - $89.32
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Indicates a designated pathway specifically for pedestrians on the right side of the road. Helps segregate pedestrian traffic from vehicular traff...

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  • Times Of Operation (Single Period)

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $40.92 - Original price $150.59
    Original price
    $40.92 - $150.59
    $40.92 - $150.59
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Indicates a specific time period during which certain regulations or restrictions are enforced. Helps inform motorists about the operational hours...

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  • Times Of Operation (Two Periods)

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $53.68 - Original price $233.75
    Original price
    $53.68 - $233.75
    $53.68 - $233.75
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Indicates specific time periods during which certain regulations or restrictions are enforced. Helps inform motorists about the operational hours ...

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  • Buses Excepted

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $40.92 - Original price $89.32
    Original price
    $40.92 - $89.32
    $40.92 - $89.32
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Indicates that buses are exempted from specific restrictions or regulations on the road. Alerts motorists that buses are allowed to use the road d...

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  • Bicycles Excepted

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $40.92 - Original price $89.32
    Original price
    $40.92 - $89.32
    $40.92 - $89.32
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Signifies that bicycles are exempted from certain restrictions on the road. Indicates that cyclists are permitted to use the road despite any spec...

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  • Authorised Vehicles Excepted

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $40.92 - Original price $89.32
    Original price
    $40.92 - $89.32
    $40.92 - $89.32
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Indicates that certain vehicles are permitted to use the road despite restrictions. Alerts drivers that authorized vehicles, such as emergency or ...

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  • On Freeway

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $85.36 - Original price $85.36
    Original price
    $85.36 - $85.36
    $85.36 - $85.36
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Indicates that the road is part of a freeway or expressway. Alerts drivers to the type of roadway they are entering. Helps drivers prepare for fre...

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  • Next __m

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $32.89 - Original price $75.35
    Original price
    $32.89 - $75.35
    $32.89 - $75.35
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Indicates the distance to the next specified location or landmark in meters. Helps drivers anticipate upcoming features or changes in the road ahe...

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  • Hazard Warning Marker

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $53.68 - Original price $89.32
    Original price
    $53.68 - $89.32
    $53.68 - $89.32
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Alerts drivers to a hazardous condition on the road ahead. Provides visual warning to help drivers anticipate and navigate potential dangers. Enha...

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  • Width Hazard Marker Left Sign

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $31.13 - Original price $128.92
    Original price
    $31.13 - $128.92
    $31.13 - $128.92
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Indicates a hazardous condition on the left side of the road related to width. Warns drivers of potential obstacles or dangers that may encroach i...

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  • Width Hazard Marker Right Sign

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $31.13 - Original price $128.92
    Original price
    $31.13 - $128.92
    $31.13 - $128.92
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Indicates a hazardous condition on the right side of the road related to width. Warns drivers of potential obstacles or dangers that may encroach ...

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  • Hazard Warning Marker Board

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $188.32 - Original price $188.32
    Original price
    $188.32 - $188.32
    $188.32 - $188.32
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Alerts drivers to potential hazards or dangers on the road. Positioned to provide advance warning of specific road conditions or obstacles. Enhanc...

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  • Bi-Directional Hazard Warning Marker Board

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $150.59 - Original price $247.72
    Original price
    $150.59 - $247.72
    $150.59 - $247.72
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Indicates a hazard or danger that may affect traffic in both directions. Placed strategically to warn drivers of potential dangers on the road ahe...

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  • Bi-Directional Hazard Warning Marker Board

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $126.83 - Original price $126.83
    Original price
    $126.83 - $126.83
    $126.83 - $126.83
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Indicates a hazard or danger that may affect traffic in both directions. Placed strategically to warn drivers of potential dangers on the road ahe...

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  • Obstruction Marker Board

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $267.52 - Original price $406.12
    Original price
    $267.52 - $406.12
    $267.52 - $406.12
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Designed to warn drivers of obstacles or hazards on the road ahead. Typically placed in advance of obstructions such as roadworks, fallen rocks, o...

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  • Chevron Alignment Marker

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $118.80 - Original price $295.13
    Original price
    $118.80 - $295.13
    $118.80 - $295.13
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Used to indicate a change in road alignment or direction. Consists of a series of chevron-shaped markings pointing in the direction of the alignme...

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  • Narrow Bridge (Symbolic)

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $89.32 - Original price $233.75
    Original price
    $89.32 - $233.75
    $89.32 - $233.75
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Indicates the presence of a narrow bridge ahead. Alerts drivers to reduce speed and exercise caution. Helps ensure safe passage over the narrow br...

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  • Road Narrows (Symbolic)

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $89.32 - Original price $233.75
    Original price
    $89.32 - $233.75
    $89.32 - $233.75
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Indicates that the road ahead narrows. Alerts drivers to reduce speed and be cautious of oncoming traffic. Helps ensure safe navigation through na...

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  • Left Curve (Symbolic)

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $89.32 - Original price $233.75
    Original price
    $89.32 - $233.75
    $89.32 - $233.75
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Indicates a curve to the left in the road ahead. Alerts drivers to prepare for a leftward bend in the road. Helps drivers adjust their speed and p...

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  • Right Curve (Symbolic)

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $89.32 - Original price $233.75
    Original price
    $89.32 - $233.75
    $89.32 - $233.75
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Indicates a curve to the right in the road ahead. Alerts drivers to prepare for a rightward bend in the road. Helps drivers adjust their speed and...

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  • Reverse Left Curve (Symbolic)

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $89.32 - Original price $233.75
    Original price
    $89.32 - $233.75
    $89.32 - $233.75
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Warns drivers of an upcoming reverse curve to the left in the road. Indicates that the road will bend sharply to the left and then back to the rig...

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  • Reverse Right Curve (Symbolic)

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $89.32 - Original price $233.75
    Original price
    $89.32 - $233.75
    $89.32 - $233.75
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Warns drivers of an upcoming reverse curve to the right in the road. Indicates that the road will bend sharply to the right and then back to the l...

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  • Left Turn (Symbolic)

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $89.32 - Original price $233.75
    Original price
    $89.32 - $233.75
    $89.32 - $233.75
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Indicates a left turn ahead on the road. Alerts drivers to prepare for a left turn and adjust their speed and position accordingly. Helps enhance ...

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  • Right Turn (Symbolic)

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $89.32 - Original price $233.75
    Original price
    $89.32 - $233.75
    $89.32 - $233.75
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Indicates a right turn ahead on the road. Alerts drivers to prepare for a right turn and adjust their speed and position accordingly. Helps enhanc...

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  • Winding Road Left (Symbolic)

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $89.32 - Original price $233.75
    Original price
    $89.32 - $233.75
    $89.32 - $233.75
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Indicates a winding road ahead with bends and curves predominantly towards the left. Warns drivers to expect sharp turns and curves to the left al...

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  • Winding Road Right (Symbolic)

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $89.32 - Original price $233.75
    Original price
    $89.32 - $233.75
    $89.32 - $233.75
    Current price $89.32
    In stock

    Indicates a winding road ahead with bends and curves predominantly towards the right. Warns drivers to expect sharp turns and curves to the right ...

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  • Hairpin Bend Left (Symbolic)

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $89.32 - Original price $233.75
    Original price
    $89.32 - $233.75
    $89.32 - $233.75
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Indicates a sharp hairpin bend or U-turn to the left ahead. Warns drivers of a very tight and acute bend in the road, requiring significant reduct...

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  • Hairpin Bend Right (Symbolic)

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $89.32 - Original price $233.75
    Original price
    $89.32 - $233.75
    $89.32 - $233.75
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Indicates a sharp hairpin bend or U-turn to the right ahead. Warns drivers of a very tight and acute bend in the road, requiring significant reduc...

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  • Loop Left (Symbolic)

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $89.32 - Original price $233.75
    Original price
    $89.32 - $233.75
    $89.32 - $233.75
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Indicates a loop or looped road ahead veering to the left. Alerts drivers to prepare for a sharp left turn followed by a looped road or a circular...

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  • Loop Right (Symbolic)

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $89.32 - Original price $233.75
    Original price
    $89.32 - $233.75
    $89.32 - $233.75
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Indicates a loop or looped road ahead veering to the right. Alerts drivers to prepare for a sharp right turn followed by a looped road or a circul...

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  • Reverse Bend Left (Symbolic)

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $89.32 - Original price $233.75
    Original price
    $89.32 - $233.75
    $89.32 - $233.75
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Indicates a reverse bend to the left in the road ahead. Alerts drivers to prepare for a sharp bend in the road to the left. Helps drivers anticipa...

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  • Reverse Bend Right (Symbolic)

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $89.32 - Original price $233.75
    Original price
    $89.32 - $233.75
    $89.32 - $233.75
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Indicates a reverse bend to the right in the road ahead. Alerts drivers to prepare for a sharp bend in the road to the right. Helps drivers antici...

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  • Two Way (Symbolic)

    Pinnacle Signage
    Original price $89.32 - Original price $233.75
    Original price
    $89.32 - $233.75
    $89.32 - $233.75
    Current price $0.00
    In stock

    Indicates that the road ahead is a two-way street, allowing traffic in both directions. Typically placed at the beginning of a road or street to i...

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